
Bridge Housing has launched a new, second version of its three-year tenant engagement strategy Building Bridges.

Building Bridges 2018-21 builds on our award-winning* Building Bridges 2014-17, for which we completed 85% of all planned engagement actions and engaged with 14 per cent of the tenant community.

The new strategy has some priority areas of focus such as better responding to tenants’ ideas, seeking new opportunities for funding, and measuring our impact through The Difference We Make outcomes framework.

The new Building Bridges was developed in consultation with residents, their families, staff and management including through: two tenant workshops attended by 49 residents, an online survey completed by 83 residents, a staff workshop, talking to children at Orbit Kid’s Day and Your Views e-Panel reviewing the draft strategy.

CEO John Nicolades said at yesterday's launch: “Building Bridges 2018-21 will help us to connect with our residents and better deliver on the things that matter in their lives, such as having a stable tenancy; safety and security in their homes; being able to age in place; having attractive and peaceful surroundings; and access to opportunities.”

“We are delighted to launch this new strategy and I thank all those who contributed towards making this an engaging plan that will help to improve lives.”  

  pdf Read or download Building Bridges 2018-21 (2.31 MB) .

*Leading Tenant Engagement Practice Award, AHI, National Housing Conference, Perth November 2015