
Bridge Housing staff joined members of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Tenant Advisory Group (ATTAG), their families and pets this month for a workshop to plan future actions towards reconciliation with our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

One of only a handful of community providers in Australia to develop a Reconciliation Action Plan, Bridge Housing launched its first plan in March 2017. The plan was endorsed by Reconciliation Australia and has guided our engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander tenants and others over the past two years.

The workshop, where we enjoyed so many fantastic stories, ideas and belly laughs, was followed by a community picnic. Thank you ATTAG for your insights.

We hope to have a draft of the second Plan ready by late March for ATTAG, our Reconciliation Action Plan Working Group and Reconciliation Australia to review.

CEO John Nicolades said: “We are taking time to reflect on the learnings, challenges and successes of our first Reconciliation Action Plan and use this knowledge to continue on our reconciliation journey.” 

“Bridge Housing’s Reconciliation Action Plan is not just words on a page or an act of courtesy. We are committed to achieving our vision of reconciliation and by extension, contributing to the broader reconciliation of our nation,” he said. 

Read the current Reconciliation Action Plan.