
Julia Barratt came to Bridge Housing last year after an impressive six-year rise through Urbis, an urban consultancy committed to creating better cities and communities.

From Office Manager to Operations Manager, Julia helped steer Urbis through rapid growth, with Sydney office staff increasing from 85 to 220 during her time there. It is a growth trajectory reminiscent of Bridge, most recently through our Northern Beaches portfolio.

As Executive Support and Office Manager, Julia’s new role covers a range of responsibilities but with a focus on strategic management support to the Executive team. She is also studying an MBA in human resource management, learning she hopes to apply at Bridge and which will steer her career path toward people strategy in the future.

“I wanted to work somewhere where the focus is on addressing homelessness,” Julia said. “I love learning about how Bridge Housing operates, the not for profit sector is totally new to me! The leadership team here is really inspirational: I feel privileged to have the opportunity to work for women who are passionate advocates in housing, like Helen Tighe (Director, Housing) and Rebecca Pinkstone (COO) .”

Julia’s energetic two-year-old Nate and studying keep her busy at home, though she still finds time to pursue her passion for health and fitness in the beautiful bush surrounds of her southern Sydney neighbourhood.