Bridge Housing is working closely with tenants through the Tenants in Operations and Planning (TOP) initiative to ensure they have a real say in the way we do things.

Read our Tenants in Operations and Planning Factsheet

Tenant participation has been a strong focus of Bridge Housing over the last half decade, including through the Tenant Advisory Group and by ensuring tenants can make a contribution.

As an organisation committed to working with tenants, their families and household members, we ensure that all tenants - irrespective of race, sexuality, ethnicity, ability, gender, age or education - feel they can contribute. We aim to give people real choices and a real say to ensure we are an accountable, responsible and responsive community housing provider.

The initiative aims to get tenants involved in Operations and Planning through:

Tenant Surveys

Bridge Housing surveys tenants every two years on key issues that affect their tenancy, support services, communications and overall relationship with us.

The Tenant Survey is your chance to tell us exactly what you think about the services we provide and help us to improve them. You can also tell us what you like about Bridge Housing.

The survey is generally sent out to all tenants in January. You can fill it out on paper, online or using your smartphone.

The Survey questions and format are developed and responses are collated by the NSW Federation of Housing Associations so that the performance of individual housing providers can be benchmarked against industry standards.

Your Views panel

The Your Views e-Panel is calling for new members. Your Views is a diverse group of tenants who have input into the way we communicate with tenants.

While not a formal decision-making body, Your Views members provide input and comments on a range of letters, forms and factsheets that we provide to tenants every year. 

Why join Your Views?

Becoming a Your Views panel member can help you:

  • Better understand how Bridge Housing operates and communicates
  • Participate in the way we do business with tenants
  • Champion open and accessible communication
  • Be an active part of your community.

Bridge Housing residents of all ages, backgrounds and walks of life are encouraged to get involved.

  • If you're under 18 years of age you'll need your parent's or guardian's permission to join.
  • Members must have an email address.
  • You can leave the panel at any time by sending us an email.

Need more information?

To join or learn more call the Communities Team on 02 8324 0836 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

You can read the Your Views Factsheet.

Conferences & training

Bridge Housing believes that tenants should be at the core of our service delivery and that we should actively seek their input into the way we do business.  

To support this engagement, Bridge Housing now offers opportunities for tenants to attend relevant housing conferences or seminars in Sydney. As opportunities come up we will advertise them here on this web page, at tenant meetings, and in the Newsletter if time permits.

You can also download the Policy and Expression of Interest Form for further information.

Please download our TOP Fact Sheet.