
Bec (second from left) at Yabun 2022

Getting your first career role is always a bit of a chicken-and-egg situation: employers want experience, but new graduates can’t get that without a job.

That’s where internships come in, giving students a chance to get ‘real life’ workplace experience that can help get a foot in the door.

For our latest intern, the time spent with Bridge Housing has delivered not only valuable experience… but a life-changing realisation. 

“I was generally aware of social housing and Australia’s homelessness problem before my time at Bridge Housing, but this internship has really opened my eyes,” says Bec Campbell.

“I really like how organisations like Bridge work to involve and empower people at a vulnerable moment in their lives.

“Social housing is the sector for me.”

Bec came to Bridge Housing through our partnership with Career Trackers: a program that creates pathways and support systems for high-achieving Indigenous students at university. Bridge Housing first partnered with Career Trackers in 2018, to create specific pathways into social housing sector employment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.  

Through the program, Bec has done placements in a range of both corporate and not-for-profit organisations.

“It helped give me a taste of what sort of work environment I want to pursue, and also what sort of organisations are just not for me!” says Bec. “I made some great connections, learned a lot and kept busy during my uni holidays.”

“Bec spent time with both our Pathways and Communities team,” says Sustainable Communities Manager, Sarah Barclay. “She contributed to a range of projects in a really collaborative way, despite the tricky situation of having many staff working from home. Well done, Bec!”

Currently in her final year of Arts/International Studies, specialising in Sociology, Indigenous Studies and International Relations, Bec is now considering whether to pursue a Masters of Social Work or start right away in a social housing sector role.

Whichever path she treads, we know that Bec will make waves in the future. We will be keeping an eye on this rising star!