
The 2019 Tenant Satisfaction Survey results tell a compelling and positive story of a tenant community that has high levels of satisfaction with the housing services they receive from Bridge Housing. 

When compared to Bridge Housing’s 2017 survey, Bridge Housing has experienced an increase in satisfaction levels in 18 out of 31 comparable questions. We received 802 valid survey responses from tenants, representing an overall response rate of 38%.

Satisfaction with Bridge Housing

There have been steady improvements in overall satisfaction, as well as property condition, repairs and maintenance, and customer contact.  

Since 2017, our performance has been significantly above the National Regulatory System for Community Housing (NRSCH) required thresholds:

  • Overall Satisfaction 87%(above the NRSCH threshold of 75% and the 2017 result of 84%)
  • Property Condition 88%(above the NRSCH threshold of 75% and the 2017 result of 86%)
  • Repairs & Maintenance 80%(above the NRSCH threshold of 75% and the 2017 result of 77%)

Tenant wellbeing

On questions of tenant wellbeing, the 2019 results were similar to the last survey in 2017. They include:

  • a marginal decrease in tenants’ confidence in managing their own health (83% in 2019 compared to 86% in 2019) and quality of life (80% in 2019 compared to 83% in 2017). 
  • a four point increase in tenants who are now employed and a five point increase in tenants who feel more confident to seek employment or training
  • a positive swing (76% in 2019 compared to 68% in 2017) in tenant’s confidence in accessing services they need outside Bridge Housing
  • a slight decrease in feelings of safety both at home and in the local neighbourhood.

The Bridge Housing 2019 Tenant Satisfaction Survey report was prepared by the Community Housing Industry Association NSW (CHIA NSW).A more detailed report will also be provided shortly to Bridge Housing to benchmark our performance against the rest of the community housing sector.

We will then hold workshops with residents and staff to inform the development of an action plan to address the issues raised in the 2019 Tenant Satisfaction Survey.